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Hey there! We are Enfold and we make really beautiful and amazing stuff.
This can be used to describe what you do, how you do it, & who you do it for.
Omar Diaz, & Lee Jedlicka | 1/24/25 | Seizing the American Dream
/in Uncategorized /by Beverly FrazierMaster Webinar
Omar interviews an incredible agent, Lee Jedlicka about overcoming his obstacles and changing the trajectory of his legacy.
Chris Clark | 1/23/25 | Become 100x
/in Uncategorized /by Beverly FrazierToolkit Webinar
Chris walks us through another lesson from GIANT about how to become a multiplier in your leadership.
Brad Smith, Josh Manzano, & Freddy Bryant | 1/21/25 | Create Exponential Growth
/in Uncategorized /by Beverly FrazierBuilding Webinar
Brad Smith interviews Josh Manzano & Freddy Bryant about their explosive growth in 2024 and how to leverage mentorship, recruiting, and production.
The Colburns, Tyler Robinson, & Chris Strandin | 1/17/25 | Your Rookie Year
/in Uncategorized /by Beverly FrazierMaster Webinar
Mike & Jen Colburn interview Tyler Robinson & Chris Strandin about their how they made their Rookie Years in 2024 so incredibly successful.
Chris Clark | 1/16/25 | Inhibition vs Prohibition
/in Uncategorized /by Beverly FrazierToolkit Webinar
Chris Clark walks us through the Inhibition vs Prohibition tool, teaching us how to determine what is a real barrier, and what is a internal limiting belief.
Brad Smith & Chris Clark | 1/14/25 | Like You MEAN It
/in Uncategorized /by Beverly FrazierBuilding Webinar
Brad Smith interviews 130 Chris Clark about how he has grown his agency from nothing in 2017 to 4.5 million in 2024.