Designing the Blue Print for Your Life
Designing a life
The sad truth of it all is that most people put more time and money into picking out a birthday present for a friend than they ever do in designing a life!
Stanford’s Most Popular Class Isn’t Computer Science–It’s Something Much More Important
It’s called “Designing Your Life,” a course that’s part throwback, part foreshadowing of higher education’s future.
Here’s what they learn: gratitude; generosity; self-awareness; adaptability. All reinforced by design thinking-based tools, from a daily gratitude journal to a deck of cards featuring problem-solving techniques. In lieu of a final exam–the class is pass/fail–students present three radically different five-year plans to their peers. Alumni say they still refer back their “Odyssey plans”–a term that Evans coined–and revise them as their lives and careers progress.
The goal of “Designing Your Life,” he says, is to change higher education, by reintroducing methods of “forming you into the person that will go out into the world, effect change, and be a leader.”
Many people in life suffer from what I call “Duck syndrome” ~ You look like you’re floating on the surface, but you’re paddling furiously underneath
Most of us spent 14,000 hours learning about Math, Science, English, History, over and over and over again…….but how much did we truly ever learn about designing a life? How many hours on raising children, classes about creating a successful business from someone who was actually doing it?!?!? Not went to school, went to college, graduated, and went back to school to teach something they never did! Working with us, you will have the ability to create the blueprint to design your own life!