Tools to Use for your Coaching Mentoring Session:
What are you getting them focused on?:
- Listen to the Farmer vs the Hunter
- Have them watch what if you could double your income without having to double your effort ?
- Send them to “The Art of Building an Agency” & make their homework to JUST getting their Hot 100 List together and set a date to get it back to you. (send them link)
- Go over their REAL numbers from the Weekly Reports and plug them into the Combination to Yoru Safe to see what they should be earning in terms of $$.
Books to Read:
- Think and Grow Rich ~ Napoleon Hill
- How to Win Friends & Influence People ~ Dale Carnegie
- Mindset ~ Carol Dweck
Showing them the “Combination to Their Safe”
Once you have their why, this is the part where you begin to hold your new agent accountable and set the bar on what will be needed from them in order for you to help them accomplish what it is they set out to do & to get what they want from Symmetry. Click on the ” Round 2 Second Interview” button to open up the script on how to find their why and then state the non-negotiables and setting the expectations for the Game Plan Session.
If this is their 2nd/3rd GamePlan Session and they are now licensed and ready to go into the field
- Confirm they are plugged into our Conference Call Schedule and have them set reminders on their phone by sending them the link if you haven’t done so already
- Confirm they are registered for the Next Event Immediately (send them the link if they are not. As this is one of our NON~Negotiables, if they have been around longer then 3 weeks, they should NOT be buying leads and in the field, if they arent registered for the next event)
- Screen share with them and do a high-level Overview of their “Combination to Your Safe” When the GamePlan is complete(send them the Link to the video “What if you could double your income without having to double your effort?”)
- If they say they are wanting to build an Agency, refer to the instructions on going over with your Agent on how to build an agency.
- Briefly, discuss what countries they are willing to work in terms of leads.
- If you have not done so already, go through how many leads they are buying, how many they will need, & in what area. Make sure they have their lead budget for the month as this is also one of our Non-Negotiables.
Click the “GamePlan for 2017 ” button to pull up the script
When you Result the Call:
Below you will see that when you Result the call You will be given the Option to select whether or not they are a Producer or Builder. Based on when you actually do the GamePlan Session in terms of if they are licensed and ready to go into the field, or they are in the process of taking their exam, you will have the opportunity to select what links you want to send them, that will automatically be placed in the email with a sentence above the links stating, “Below you will find the links to the information we discussed on the phone today.
1st GamePlan Email
Below, you will find the numbers for Your Combination to Your Safe that we went over on the call. You should have already received an emailed PDF version that you will need to fill in and send to ~Contact._RecruitingAgent~ & CC your Agency Owner, ~Contact._ManagerName~ at ~Contact._ManagersEmail0~ each Friday as you fill in your Weekly report.
If for some reason you do not receive the PDF Version sent in a separate email you can enter the numbers into The Combination to Your Safe Web page and then select the tool icon to download a PDF Version or request it from ~Contact._RecruitingAgent~.
You will notice on your Combination PDF that you will have 2 columns on the bottom, Monthly, and Weekly. The 2 columns will break down the amount of APV you would need to submit monthly and weekly in order to hit your desired income and unlock your safe.
Obviously, if you get a better issue rate than 70% on your submitted APV you may well surpass your goal IF you COMMIT to doing the necessary number of appointment set and sat for the week. I will virtually guarantee that if you do the necessary activity in the MOST important columns, NUMBER OF APPOINTMENTS YOU WILL NEED TO SET AND SIT for the week, you will undoubtedly reach or surpass your desired income each and every month.
With that said, in order to set the number of appointments necessary, you will need to have the resources (LEADS) in order to meet with the necessary number of clients!!! Without setting the number of appointments as indicated on your combination worksheet, the rest of the numbers will NOT matter. The people who unlock their safe vs the ones who do not will solely rely on the tenacity and willingness to do whatever it takes to set the number of appointments that they would need for the week!
If you do end up having higher apps enrolled per appointment sat, the other number you want to make sure you are on point with each week is the 3rd column which is “AMOUNT OF APV YOU WILL NEED TO SUBMIT EACH WEEK” This will ultimately determine you being paid the income you have selected.
If you fall short one week, you MUST make it up the following week. Make sure to use this sheet and keep track of your progress at the bottom to ensure sure you are on track with that particular column each week. I wish you all the best, and make sure to consult with your upline in terms of how many leads you will need to get each week to accomplish the number of appointments needed to be set in order to unlock the combination to YOUR SAFE!!!!
Your Weekly Combination Numbers:
Appts: ~Contact._Appointmentgoal~
Sits: ~Contact._Sitgoal~
Apps: ~Contact._Appsgoal~
Submitted APV: ~Contact._APVgoal~
Issued APV: ~Contact._IssuedAPVgoal~
Personally, I want to do everything in my power to help you accomplish making ~Contact._Monthlyincome~ your 1st month out in the filed, and as well as ~Contact._Annualincome~ your 1st year with Symmetry. As we discussed in our GamePlan Session, the combination to your safe that we set up for you is GUARANTEED to produce the results, AS LONG AS you are willing to set the # of appts needed and sit with the # of clients necessary each week.
Here’s the link to the text message platform that we utilize to communicate with all of our agents: Click Here
SWAT GroupMe Rules:
The SWAT TEAM is expanding at a rapid pace and have hundreds of members on this message board & growing daily. There are a ton of new Agents getting started with our organizations at this point. Although GroupMe is traditionally a “chat app” we have limited it to ONLY posting Personal Production Numbers for the day or week & Important announcements from our Leadership Team.
With that said this message board is for 2 things and 2 things only!!
1. Managers and above, along with our Executive Asst Jen Dieckmann, to post important announcements, conf calls, and upcoming events.
2. Licensed agents who are in the field running appointments and writing business, who have submitted apps, can post their numbers for the day/week in the following manner.
___Appts ____Doorknocks ___sits ____apps ____APV ( There is no need to add your own categories and post no shows, reschedules, Bam Fams, could of, would of, but didn’t etc)
8 appts, 2 Doorknocks, 6 Sits, 4 apps, $3,876 apv
Posts are to be done no earlier than 10:00 am CST and no later than 10:00 pm CST. Please be respectful of others.
Feel free to click the ♥️ button in support of a job well done. But do not post comments of any kind. If you need to communicate directly to an individual click on their profile pic to leave them a message or call them directly
Click Here to Download the App for iPhone
Click Here to Download the App for Android
~Contact._EmailBody~What ever you write in the “Customize your Email body” will show up here in the email.
Please find the following links that were discussed with ~Contact._GamePlanSessionHost~ on the call and review each one individually.
These Links will send to them, based on which ones you select with a check box!
General GamePlan Email
It was great speaking with you today and having the chance to make sure you are on the right track to get everything out of Symmetry that you want, and to be 1 step closer to accomplishing your Goals and Dreams as we help you to become Financially Free.
Below, you will find the numbers for Your Combination to Your Safe that we went over on the call. You should have already received an emailed PDF version that you will need to fill in and send to ~Contact._RecruitingAgent~ & CC your Agency Owner, ~Contact._ManagerName~ at ~Contact._ManagersEmail0~ each Friday as you fill in your Weekly report.
If for some reason you do not receive the PDF Version sent in a separate email you can enter the numbers into The Combination to Your Safe Web page and then select the tool icon to download a PDF Version or request it from ~Contact._RecruitingAgent~.
You will notice on your Combination PDF that you will have 2 columns on the bottom, Monthly, and Weekly. The 2 columns will break down the amount of APV you would need to submit monthly and weekly in order to hit your desired income and unlock your safe.
Obviously, if you get a better issue rate than 70% on your submitted APV you may well surpass your goal, IF you COMMIT to doing the necessary number of appointment set and sat for the week. I will virtually guarantee that if you do the necessary activity in the MOST important columns, NUMBER OF APPOINTMENTS YOU WILL NEED TO SET AND SIT for the week, you will undoubtedly reach or surpass your desired income each and every month.
With that said, in order to set the number of appointments necessary, you will need to have the resources (LEADS) in order to meet with the necessary number of clients!!! Without setting the number of appointments as indicated on your combination worksheet, the rest of the numbers will NOT matter. The people who unlock their safe vs the ones who do not will solely rely on the tenacity and willingness to do whatever it takes to set the number of appointments that they would need for the week!
If you do end up having higher apps enrolled per appointment sat, the other number you want to make sure you are on point with each week is the 3rd column which is “AMOUNT OF APV YOU WILL NEED TO SUBMIT EACH WEEK” This will ultimately determine you being paid the income you have selected.
If you fall short one week, you MUST make it up the following week. Make sure to use this sheet and keep track of your progress at the bottom to ensure sure you are on track with that particular column each week. I wish you all the best, and make sure to consult with your upline in terms of how many leads you will need to get each week to accomplish the number of appointments needed to be set in order to unlock the combination to YOUR SAFE!!!!
Your Weekly Combination Numbers:
Appts: ~Contact._Appointmentgoal~
Sits: ~Contact._Sitgoal~
Apps: ~Contact._Appsgoal~
Submitted APV: ~Contact._APVgoal~
Issued APV: ~Contact._IssuedAPVgoal~
Personally, I want to do everything in my power to help you accomplish making ~Contact._Monthlyincome~ your 1st month out in the filed, and as well as ~Contact._Annualincome~ your 1st year with Symmetry. As we discussed in our GamePlan Session, the combination to your safe that we set up for you is GUARANTEED to produce the results, AS LONG AS you are willing to set the # of appts needed and sit with the # of clients necessary each week.
~Contact._EmailBody~What ever you write in the “Customize your Email body” will show up here in the email.
Please find the following links that were discussed with ~Contact._GamePlanSessionHost~ on the call and review each one individually.
These Links will send to them, based on which ones you select with a check box!